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Compass Euro Bonds

The fund
The Mutual Fund “Compass Euro Bonds” is a collective investment scheme with a modernized strategy and low-risk profile, investing mainly in government and corporate bonds on both the Bulgarian and international debt markets. The aim of the fund is to generate attractive yields above bank deposit levels, while lowering the risk long-term through predominant inclusion of rated bonds and diversification of the investment wallet. It is suitable for investors, looking for an alternative to bank deposits and an optimal balance between profitability and capital protection. The fund’s objective is to offer security, stability, high liquidity and optimization of the risk.
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Monthly Report for December 2024 


Why Compass Euro Bonds?

Additional and non-taxable income The profits from mutual funds in Bulgaria are tax-free.
Professional Management Your capital will be managed by a professional team with years of market experience who follows on a daily basis not only the movements in the capital markets but also looks for investment opportunities.
Easy and fast, in real assets We invest in stocks of companies in a phase of strong growth. All assets of the fund are actually owned and held by an international depositary bank.
There is no minimum investment There is no need to have a large sum of money in order to invest with us. We do not have a minimum investment threshold.
You can withdraw or add money at any time The time horizon for the best return is usually between 1 and 5 years. However, you can withdraw your money at any point of time.
With minimum purchase fees of 0.50% purchase fees 
Compass Invest's investment plan in units of Compass Euro Bonds Mutual Fund offers you a way to ensure a good and comfortable return on your savings.
  • Average annual expected yield of 4.00% (calculated as of  31.01.2025);
  • Profit is not taxed;
  • Selection of deposit period: weekly, monthly, quarterly;
  • Minimum contribution of BGN 40;
  • Competitive alternative to bank deposit;
  • You have access to your money all the time.
Despite benefits, the investment in shares of mutual funds brings certain risks like:
  • Market risk with the following components:
    Interest risk related to a decrease of the value of the investment due to a change of the interest rates levels;
    Currency risk related to a decrease of the value of the investment, denominated in a currency which is different from BGN and EUR;
    Price risk related to a decrease of the value of the investment in the case of unfavorable changes of the market’s prices;
  • Operational risk :
    From errors or flaws in the system of the organization;
  • Liquidity risk :
    In case of forced sales of assets under unfavorable market conditions;
  • Credit risk :
    Related to a decrease of the value of the position in the case of unexpected events with a credit nature which are related to the issuers of financial instruments, the counter side of exchange and OTC transactions, as well as countries, in which they operate;
  • Concentration risk:
    In case of incorrect diversification of exposures to groups of related clients, from the same economic branch, geographic area, etc.
  • Position risk:
    Which is related to the change of price of a certain instrument in result of factors related to the issuer or in case of a derivative instrument – related to the issuer of the base instrument;
Additional information for the risks can be found in the Prospectus of the respective fund, which is available here:

Information on the fund's return for past periods

This chart shows the fund's performance as a percentage of annual loss or return over the last 10 years.
The results shown were achieved under conditions that are no longer valid due to a change in the fund's risk profile, effective from April 12, 2024.



  • Results are presented after deducting current fees. Initial charges and withdrawal charges are not included in the calculation.
  • The fund was launched in July 2018 
  • The yield of the Fund for previous years was calculated in BGN.


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Future market dynamics may be very different from those observed.

These results can help you estimate how the fund has been managed in the past.


NAV per unit
on 06.02.2025
Purchase price * 0.9383EUR
Redemption price 0.9336EUR
Net Asset Value 1494450.87EUR
Quantity of the
units outstanding
Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit - EUR


*The expenses for the issue (purchase) of units are 0.00% of the net asset value per unit for the period from November 29, 2024, to January 31, 2025.
No expenses are charged for the redemption of units of the fund.

The results shown are under conditions that are no longer valid due to a change of the risk profile of the fund as of 12.04.2024.

  2019  2020  2021 2022 2023 2024 Cummulative return
(since inception) as of 31.12.2024
Annual return since inception as of 31.12.2024  Return YTD as of 31.12.2024
Return 16.50% 3.06% 9.96% -25.04% 2.40% 9.41% -7.59% -1.21% 9.41%
Standard Deviation 10.50% 17.51% 12.74% 17.77% 11.85% 4.61% N/A N/A N/A

Investment structure

Price History

Useful information (FAQ)

How can I purchase units of mutual fund of Compass Invest JSC?

Units can be purchased every business day from 9.00 to 17.00hrs by signing a contact with the asset management company (AMC) and placing an order for purchase for the mutual fund wanted.

Where can I place an order?

An order can be placed in the office with address: Sofia, 36 Alabin Str., fl. 4

Do I have the right to cancel an order? And how?

The client has the right to cancel an order. A placed order for purchase or redemption of units of Mutual Fund Progress, Mutual Fund Strategy, Mutual Fund Eurostability, Mutual Fund Plus and Mutual Fund Compass Funds Select-21 can be cancelled by the investor prior to the cutoff time at 17.00hrs on the day closest (Tuesday or Thursday) to the day on which the Net asset value (NAV) is calculated (Wednesday or Friday).
A placed order for purchase or redemption of units of Mutual Fund Compass Global Trends and Mutual Fund Compass Euro Bonds can be cancelled by the investor prior to the cutoff time at 17.00hrs on the same day.

What are the ways for payment of purchased units?

At the time of placing of the purchase order the investor shall make a payment of an amount corresponding to the value of the units to be purchased ​​as follows:

Via bank transfer:
Compass Global Trends,
acct. IBAN BG98UBBS80021049850640, BIC UBBSBGSF for transfers in Bulgarian lev;
acct. IBAN BG11UBBS80021449718410, BIC UBBSBGSF for transfers in EUR;

Compass Euro Bonds,
acct. IBAN BG19UBBS80021070626940, BIC UBBSBGSF for transfers in Bulgarian lev;
acct. IBAN BG08UBBS80021451679610, BIC UBBSBGSF for transfers in EUR;

acct. IBAN BG04UBBS80021016659320, BIC UBBSBGSF:

acct. IBAN BG15UBBS80021016662420, BIC UBBSBGSF;

acct. IBAN BG96UBBS80021046635320, BIC UBBSBGSF for transfers in Bulgarian lev;
acct. IBAN BG60UBBS80021419783910, BIC UBBSBGSF for transfers in EUR;

acct. IBAN BG59UBBS80021056431240, BIC UBBSBGSF;

Compass Funds Select-21
acct. IBAN BG30UBBS80021070630040, BIC UBBSBGSF;

Details of payment: Purchase of units

What is the deadline for executing the order?

For purchase orders – within 7 business days of the order submission;
For redemption orders – within 10 business days of the order submission;

How can I request a redemption of units?

Redemption of units can be requested by placing an order every working day between 9:00hr. and 17:00hrs. at the office of Compass Invest JSC.

What are the possible options of payment of redemption proceeds?

Redemption proceeds will be paid out/credited as follows:
  • Via bank transfer.

Will I receive a confirmation of transaction execution?

The AMC shall as soon as practicable, but not later than the first business day following the execution of the order, provide the investor with a Confirmation of transaction execution (stating the confirmed price and the number of units that have been purchased by the investor) as per the requirements indicated by the investor: as a hard copy in the office of the management company or by mail, by fax or in electronic form by e-mail.

Are there any transaction charge/fees?

The following fees are paid by investors and are calculated in the price of units of the respective fund as follows:
When purchasing units of the Funds expenses are not charged, except for:
Mutual Fund Compass Global Trends, Mutual Fund Compass Euro Bonds and Mutual Fund Compass Funds Select-21 where the fees are 1.50%, 0.50% and 1.00%.
At redemption, costs are charged as follows:
  • Progress – 1.50% of the NAV per unit;
  • Strategy – 1.00% of the NAV per unit;
  • Eurostability – 0.50% of the NAV per unit;
  • Compass Funds Select-21 - no cost;
  • Compass Global Trends - no cost;
  • Compass Euro Bonds - no cost.

Are there any additional fees?

There are costs, which are deducted from the assets of mutual funds and hence they are indirectly borne by all unitholders. These costs represent the second component of expenses which need to be taken into account when investing in a mutual fund. The costs include remuneration of the management company and operating costs. The management fee is calculated as a percentage of the average annual net asset value of the fund as follows:
  • Eurostability - 1.20%;
  • Strategy - 2.40%;
  • Progress - 2.00%,
  • Compass Funds Select-21 - 0.50%;
  • Compass Euro Bonds - 0.50%; 
  • Compass Global Trends - 1.50%.
Operating expenses include charges of Central Depository JSC, the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, the Financial Supervision Commission, remuneration for the depositary bank and others.

Do I have to pay taxes?

Investors do not owe taxes on the income realized from transactions with units of mutual funds concluded on a regulated Bulgarian securities market, including the redemption on counter at the management company.
Unitholders can earn income from their investments in the fund in the form of capital gain (a positive difference between the selling price of the units and the price at which they were purchased).

Which is the Mutual Fund Depositary Bank?

Your money and securities are stored in the independent depositary bank – United Bulgarian Bank (Part of KBC Group). The Bank has its registered office: 89B Vitosha Blvd., Sofia and has license from the Bulgarian National Bank: 340 as of November 19, 1992
All Funds of Compass Invest JSC: Compass Global Trends, Compass Euro Bonds, Compass Funds Select-21, Progress, Strategy, Eurostability, Plus use a depositary bank United Bulgarian Bank (Part of KBC Group).

Which are the investment intermediaries (brokers)?

The following investment intermediaries (brokers) are authorized by the management company to execute transactions for the portfolios of funds: Citibank International PLC., Cowen International, Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD, Unicredit Bulbank JSC, Benchmark Finance JSC, D. I.S.L. Securities JSC, Somoni Financial Brokerage OOD, Aval In AD.

What is the frequency of calculating issue and redemption price of units?

For Compass Global Trends and Compass Euro Bonds:
Issue price and redemption price are calculated daily by the management company.

For Progress, Strategy, Eurostability, Plus and Compass Funds Select-21:
Issue price and redemption price are calculated by the management company twice a week – on Wednesdays and Fridays based on assets of the funds for the previous Tuesdays and Thursdays.

What are the required documents for signing a contract and placing an order?

For Individual clients:
official identity document of the investor/proxy/legal representative, a copy of it is certified, signed both by the applicant and the employee of the management company who verified the identity;
original of a notarized power of attorney or a notarized copy of the original, which contains representative power to carry out management or administrative actions with financial instruments (in case of a proxy);
an official document certifying the right of legal representation (birth certificate, guardian or guardian deed), of which a copy is certified, certified by the legal representative and the employee of the management company, verifying the identity (in ase of a legal representative);

For corporate entities
Official identity document of the legal representative / proxy, from which a copy is certified, certified by the applicant party on behalf of the legal entity and the employee of the management company who verified the identity;
Original POA or notarized copy of an official extract from the relevant register for current status, if the person is not registered in the Commercial Register with the Registry Agency;
A copy of the identification card of the BULSTAT register for those who are entered in the BULSTAT register and are not entered in the commercial register – non-commercial legal entities, commercial representations of foreign persons, non-personified companies under the APA, foreign legal entities, branches and other persons under art. 3 of the BULSTAT Register Act;
A copy of the relevant license, permit or certificate of registration from the people carrying out transactions and operations in connection with a particular activity subject to licensing, authorization or registration.
For non-residents – comparable documents certifying their registration, election of legal representative and address;
Original of a notarized power of attorney or a notarized copy thereof, which contains a representative authority for carrying out management or administrative actions with financial instruments, in case the legal representative is not present;


This information is а marketing material and does not present investment consultation, advice, investment research, or investment recommendation. The information is valid as of the issue date of the marketing material and may alter in the future. The value of the units in the collective investment schemes changes over time and it could be higher or lower from the value at the time of the investment. No profits are guaranteed and risk exists for the investors to not receive the full amount of their investments. Investments are not guaranteed by a guarantee fund which is created by the country or another form of guarantee. Information on the performance of the financial instruments in the past is not a reliable indicator for future performance. Therefore, it is recommended for investors to acquaint themselves with the Prospectus and the Key information document before making a final investment decision. You can find these documents in Bulgarian on the website of Compass Invest, and you can request and get a free paper copy at the office of the management company at: Sofia, 36 Alabin Str, floor 4, during every business day from 9 am to 5 pm. Future results are subject to taxation, which depends on the personal situation of each investor and may change in the future. A summary of the rights of the investors is available at the following hyperlink in Bulgarian: here. The mutual funds, which are managed by Compass Invest, are actively managed without following an index. We would like to inform you that Management Company Compass Invest can make a decision to terminate the offering of funds on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The investment in units of mutual funds, in addition to benefits, carries certain risks like: liquid, operational, interest, currency, and political risk, as well as macroeconomical risk, currency risk, concentration risk, etc. The full information about risks can be found in the Prospectus of the respective fund.